Michael Shea leads the groundbreaking ceremony on January 15, 1925, shovel in hand, as local business owners gather on Main Street to support this monumental project. The event marked the beginning of what would become a Buffalo landmark, symbolizing the community's excitement for the future Shea's Buffalo Theatre.
The original storefronts on Main Street were completely torn down to make way for Shea's Buffalo Theatre. Securing an entrance on this bustling street was vital, ensuring the theater would be at the heart of Buffalo's vibrant downtown.
This building, located on Main Street, was completely removed to make space for the new Shea's Buffalo Theatre. Its demolition paved the way for the grand construction that would redefine this area of Buffalo
Steam shovels were used for the project to dig deep for the basement and sub-basement of Shea's Buffalo Theatre. This view from Pearl Street shows the back of the construction site, where heavy machinery was essential in shaping the foundation.
Despite heavy snowfall, construction on Shea's continued at a steady pace. This view from Pearl Street captures the determination of the crew as they pressed forward, ensuring progress through Buffalo's tough winter weather.
The large mound visible in this photo was intentionally left in place to support the seating in the orchestra level, ensuring a stable foundation for Shea’s grand audience area.